7 Indoor Activities To Lose Weight

What can you do indoors to lose weight and stay fit? 
There are some indoor activities for these reasons.  
You can do these activities to lose weight inside the comfort of you home to burn calories.

1. Try rope skipping
Skipping is an excellent form of exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere. It helps in improving heart and lungs, as well as flexibility, coordination, and fitness.

Boxers use skipping as integral part of their training programs between matches. It can be a lot tougher than you think if you decide to keep skipping for any length of time.

Twenty minutes of skipping will burn off 250 kilocalories of energy. It is directly comparable to jogging at 12 kph in terms of energy burned.

Yet, it is far gentler on the joints and less likely to cause injury. Skipping is great for helping to shape and tone the lower part of the body like calves, hips, thighs and bottom.

2. Standing is good
Standing can burn up to 34 more calories compared to sitting down.

When answering phones, stand and walk around so you can burn calories at the same time.

Get rid of the standard work desk with one that features vertical adjustments.

3. Take the stairs instead of elevator
Use the opportunity for some quick workout by taking the stairs instead of using the elevator.

Climbing the stairs is one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise that you can do. 

Less than 15 minutes of stair climbing a day will improve your overall aerobic health significantly and it will cost you nothing at all.

There’s no need to exercise for hours to enjoy the benefits of a workout.

4. Check out some alternatives to weightlifting
Here are some exercises that you can do around your home which will help you to be able to tone up and lose a little bit of weight in the process. 

The best part about it is that these will not take too much effort on your part and many of them are something that you need to do anyway.

Toning your muscles is really just about lifting a weight that is not naturally carried around with your body. 

For example, carrying grocery bags is something that we all do on a regular basis but many of us tend to do as little bit of this work as possible. 

Try to make this a rule, any time you are carrying anything in your hand, either curl it or press it.

You can also try to use forearm flexors whenever are sitting around watching TV. 

Although you’re not going to get muscular by doing these few things, you would be surprised with how much these little efforts add up over time.

5. Do other physical activities while watching TV
If you really love watch TV and can’t get away catching up your favorite shows, then find ways to move around and do other activities while doing so.

This is better than being sedentary for a long period of time. You can walk around; do some push-ups or crunches during commercial breaks. Walk in place or do some lunges while watching TV.

Better yet, move your exercise equipment in front of the TV so you’ll be forced to get on and walk while your favorite TV shows are on.

6. Turn on the music and dance like wild
Throw on your favorite playlists, crank up your music system’s volume and dance like a hurricane in your bedroom.

Invite your friends to come over an indoor house dance party to add more fun to it.

It’s also a great way to burn some calories. Make sure that you have enough space to avoid damaging your things.

7. Watch programs about exercising

Invest on exercise videos or you can watch exercise videos available on the internet or in TV.

Watching programs about working out can make you more motivated in going through your routines.

On top of that, you can also learn valuable lessons from it, especially when you watch those that are hosts by experts in the field.

Check out the channels that show such programs, so that you can take note of them.

Of course, watching is just a start and should not end there! You can either follow their exercise routines or your inspiration to create one for yourself.

Nevertheless, watching programs about exercising gives you informational benefits to get you started or to keep you going.

Indeed, it’s time to stop inventing excuses to stay fit and lose weight. 

It can be done indoors through being mindful of the activities that you are doing. 

Choose those that will lose some pounds and not sabotage your health.

Note: This is an extract from this article: 10 Indoor Activities To Stay Fit 

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