7 Eating Habit Tips To Lose Weight

What are your eating habits? Are those helping you in achieving your weight loss goals or simply sabotaging it?

Check these effective eating habit tips that you can incorporate in your daily routine.

1) Eat Less Processed Food

Processed food contains a lot of hidden fats, sugars, and salt – all diet disasters. You want to aim to eat as many natural foods as possible. 

These would include fruit, vegetables, nuts, and pulses. Avoid refined carbohydrates and throw out any white foods such as bread, pasta or rice.

If you do want to include these in your diet choose brown rice and pasta and whole wheat bread. 

By eating more freshly prepared food you will eliminate these hidden calories and thus begin to easily lose weight.

2) Target the Five a Day Rule

Studies have shown that you can reduce your risk of a stroke by over 10% if you reach the five a day mark when it comes to eating fruit and vegetables. If you could actually eat more, your risk of a stroke decreases further.

Fruit and vegetables are dream foods as they contain very little calories so can be used to fill you up if you are hungry. 

Aim for a minimum of at least 5 servings a day. Limit 2 servings to fruit and the rest of vegetables.

3) Don’t Put Any Food on the Banned List
This only makes it more attractive and you will end up with cravings. Instead, allow yourself a small treat every day.

This means a square of good quality chocolate or a spoon of cake. But be careful. Don’t be tempted to eat the whole cake or candy bar in one sitting.

4) Don’t be too hard on yourself if you fall off the diet wagon

It is a setback, not a disaster. Start back with that diet as soon as you can. Just don’t get into the habit of falling off the wagon too often. 

If you do, you will need to re-evaluate why it is you want to lose weight and what is setting you up for trouble.

5) Keep a Food Diary

It is impossible to lie about how much food you have consumed if everything you have eaten is written down. This will help keep you on track and you can see where you go wrong. 

You may find that a certain day of the week or month becomes stressful for you. This will help you plan for these days and figure out ways to manage.

6) Remember To Eat Healthy

Anybody shaping goals can only be achieved by eating a healthy diet. If you’re going to the gym so that you can go home and eat a double triple cheeseburger with a 2-person serving of French fries, you won’t do your body any favors.

You should make sure that you eat in moderation, and remember that if you’re burning off more calories, you will need to eat that little bit more so that you have enough energy. Balance your nutrition and avoid faddy diets.

7) Change Your Eating Habits

You need to make sure that you eat properly as well as eating healthily. Eating properly includes eating at the right times of the day. 

Skipping breakfast is a really bad idea and you shouldn’t eat too late in the evening either. 

Speak to a personal trainer about what would work for you so that you can achieve your goals.

Definitely, there are still other ways to change you eating habits or adopt new one but for now, you can start with these seven and add more later after you get comfortable with these first.

Note: This is an excerpt from this article: Top 20 Effective Weight Loss Tips

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